Friday 9 July 2010

The Sounds they Rile the Strongest.

Isn’t it odd how we find certain things irritating?

There’s a woman who walks her dog along a lane across the field from my house. She makes this weird, two-tone, high pitched ‘oo-oo’ sound, and it carries across the field. It drives me up the bloody wall! And I don’t know why.

She usually does it in the afternoon, around tea time, but she was late today. The dusk was well advanced when I went outside to enjoy the peace of the still, mellow evening. And then this shrill ‘oo-oo’ sound rent the air. She kept on doing it, over and over again. Compassionate soul that I am, I didn’t want her to die or anything. But I really did want to go and put a coal sack over her head and bury her deep under a pile of leaves.

I saw her once, when I went to post some letters. I found her appearance just as irritating as her voice. Isn’t that odd?

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