Thursday 1 July 2010

The Next One.

Just to point out that it is now 1st July in Britain, and the next story will be going up at the other place very shortly. In order to avoid causing further offence to a certain Italian-American who lives in Berlin, I’ve gone back to something that might be said to have a ‘whisper of the Brontes’ about it. No leaking heads and giggling girls in this one. This one’s a bit dark, wild and melancholic. I’m told that bits of it are creepy, too. Not to me they’re not, but I wrote it.

When you’re sitting comfortably...


Anonymous said...

Looking forward to the melancholy, Jeff! Good to know there are no leaking heads – but actually I'm more offended by other things :)

JJ said...

Like what? Do tell.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeff,
This is the third time I'm trying to respond to your comment on this post, the other two times I received a NOT FOUND page after entering the word verification and my details. You're fortunate that I don't feel like listing my complaints about the world all over again, as the day is bright and green! Great story at the other site – more comments there and p.s. I will repeat that it isn't your site which is offensive! Take care!

JJ said...

I’m having problems posting comments, too. I keep getting a ‘Do you want to navigate away from this page’ message when I click Post. Whichever option I choose, it deletes my comment. Very annoying! So now I’ve started typing comments in a Word document so I can at least re-copy and re-paste them. Glad to see you, Della. Your presence is valued.