Friday 30 July 2010

Creepy Story 4.

Heads up, McC and Melanie. Don’t read this one immediately before retiring. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

As a child, I was afraid of being alone in a room after darkness had fallen. I used to go to bed frightened every night, and was allowed to sleep with the light on. I was twelve or thirteen before shame forced me to take my courage in both hands and switch it off.

Things got better quickly. As I moved through my mid teens and into my late teens, the nervousness subsided to almost nothing. But it didn’t disappear altogether. When I was twenty one or twenty two it came back with a vengeance.

I was at a loss to explain it. I was a working man with a young family. Not only did I have somebody else in the room, she was even in the same bed. And yet I suddenly felt the old terror come back, worse than it had ever been as a child. I lay there every night for a couple of weeks, sweating and rigid with fear. I felt that there was something in the house, something dark and terrifying, something that might make an appearance at any minute. One night I heard a clatter downstairs and had to go and investigate. I traced the noise to something that had fallen off a ledge in the box that held the electric meter. There was no obvious reason for the occurrence and it did nothing to allay my terror. My partner was unsympathetic, and I certainly wasn’t going to shame myself further by suggesting that the light might be left on! And so I suffered until sleep overcame me.

One night I woke up in the early hours – or at least, I thought I was awake. I felt fully conscious. But I was at ceiling level, still lying on my back. I turned my head to look at the glass panel over the bedroom door and saw a face looking back at me. I can’t describe it in detail. All I remember was that it was hideous; it had malevolent eyes, and they were staring at me with a manic, evil intent. My worst fear had come to fruition; the ‘ghost’ had appeared.

But then a wave of realisation swept over me. I knew that an evil presence had taken up occupation of the house; I knew that it was only energy and couldn’t do me physical harm; and I knew that it fed off my fear in some way. It was the last one that threw the switch of deliverance. All I had to do was stop fearing it; and so I did. No more night terrors, and I’ve been fine ever since.

I stayed in a loch-side cottage in the Scottish Highlands a few years ago. Just as I was going to sleep, I was startled to feel the bed clothes being pulled downwards around my feet. I had no doubt that something was pulling them. There was no doubt to be had; the sensation was too definite. I decided not to let it worry me, and went to sleep.

So, if my experience in the house in my early twenties was merely a case of night terrors and a simple dream, it was a very useful dream to have.

The next story is more concrete. Two other people saw the same thing I did. And that one did manage to spook me, even if only slightly.


Jfromtheblock said...

This is precisely why I never ever ever watch horror movies anymore.

But do you still believe in these supernatural occurances?

KMcCafferty said...

When I was little I used to sleep with my arm hanging off the side of my bed-don't ask me why, because I haven't got a clue. It was just comfortable. One night, I distinctly felt something grab and tug at my hand.
I haven't slept with my hand hanging off the bed since!

JJ said...

Jen: More than ever, although I try to be circumspect because I know that 'rational' explanations are often there but aren't always immediately obvious. Try number 5 when it appears.

McC: Join the club! I always avoided hanging my arm over the bed because I was afraid of just that happening. I rely on my senses now. If I sense there's nothing there, I'll do it. Sometimes, though, I sense a 'something' at the far end of my bedroom (I based a story on it - naturally!) I won't do it in that case.

You do realise this could get me certified!

Mother Moon said...

I have often been awaken by what I feel is a presence with me. Part of the reason I recently acquired a dog. He seems to sense them and at least give me a heads up at times.. Although like you through trial and error I have learned that not fearing them is key.

Although it is a process for everyone it will help tremendously in dealing with any such incidents.

By the way, don't think I could ever sleep with my arm hanging over the edge of the bed....

JJ said...

Thanks MM. Let's form a No Arm Over the Bed club. We already have three members.

Try the next one when it appears. It was the most 'definite' of all, and yet the dog showed no reaction. That always intrigued me.

Jeanne said...

"Funny" about the arm over the bed thing. I have never been able to sleep like that for fear of something grabbing my hand!

Also, from my experience dogs seem to be oblivious to Fae. But cats are aware of their presence. Cats are said to keep the Fae away but my cats will play with them.

JJ said...

Didn't know that about dogs. So I wonder what it was my dog 'saw' in Whitesytch Wood.