Friday 30 July 2010


It’s no secret that I’ve been questioning the whole purpose and value of blogging lately. One of my concerns was that it was all too ‘virtual’ to take seriously. Although different people use it in different ways, in the final analysis it’s just another networking facility. And unless you’re a small press publisher or something and use it to disseminate information, it’s a social networking facility. How social can it be when the people you’re talking to are scattered around the globe and there isn’t a cat in hell’s chance you’re ever going to meet them in person? To somebody like me who responds strongly to people’s ‘energies’ and body language, that’s an issue.

The recent hiatus I took surprised me. I realised that I had become rather attached to certain of these people scattered around the globe (and I might add that, to me these days, ‘the globe’ is anything beyond a twenty five mile radius of my little piece of earth!)

So it seems it does have value, and I’m glad I started again.


Shayna said...

Good, we're all glad too. And if I may be so bold as to speak for all of the ladies here, we all are crazy 'bout 'cha, Jeffrey.

JJ said...

Thank you, Shay, but we have a common expression where I come from:

Dunna bay daft!

Shayna said...

I know 'daft' but what's 'dunna bay'? Who're you calling daft? *~.~*

JJ said...

Simply my local dialect for 'don't be,' and I'm saying 'do give over, woman!' Only dogs have ever been crazy about me. People generally grab a barge pole when they see me coming, to guage a safe distance.

Shayna said...

Yeah well Buster, I'm a crazy 'bout 'cha.

Shayna said...

post script:
wanna make something of it? (*wink)

JJ said...

And get kicked unconscious by a pair of green Doc Martins?!!!

Shayna said...
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