Saturday 10 July 2010

The Child Inside.

I wonder where this came from. It just jumped into my head when I was downing the third scotch.

I think I’ll have some junk food.
I think I’ll have some more.
And then I will feel sick and
Throw up on the kitchen floor.

My mother will be angry.
My mother will be mad.
She’ll tell me that I’m greedy and
She’ll tell me that I’m bad.

Of course I won’t believe her.
I’ll tell her that she’s wrong.
I’ll go and wander far and wide
Because I don’t belong.

I’ll go down to the river,
And cross some day in style.
However wide the river is,
I’ll cross it - then I’ll smile.

'Definitely time for bed,' said Zebedee. 'Go and find the rainbow's end.' Sweet dreams.


Maria Sondule said...

I like this poem, its cute and sweet and the junk food stanza is totally what kids do nowadays. (or what they with they could do)

lucy said...

I like this poem! It's cute and funny and rather sweet too.

Did you get the last two lines from Moon River? If you did, I like that song! :)

JJ said...

Thanks ladies. Hardly a poem, though. I doubt it took more than two minutes. And yes, Lu: "I'm crossing you in style some day," "wider than a mile," "we're after the same rainbow's end." All in homage to Moon River, Huckleberry Finn and the need to fly away.

Anthropomorphica said...

Made me laugh out loud Jeff, felt like a childs view of the world ;)

JJ said...

I think they call it 'arrested development,' Mel.

Jfromtheblock said...

really Jeff, lock yourself up with a few more bottles next time and a computer:) that would be a treat.

JJ said...

Better be careful, I think Jen. I once drank nearly a whole bottle of scotch at a party. Eventually I collapsed shaking, and in a cold sweat. My then wife moaned at me all the next day. 'You could have died of alcohol poisoning,' she kept telling me. Really? I didn't know there was such a thing. She also didn't like the fact that I had touched a young woman's bottom, which was indeed very wrong of me and I apologised profusely to the said young woman the next time I saw her. She didn't seem at all bothered.

I wasn't sick, though, neither did I have a hangover, and I didn't die. But still best be careful.