1. A psychopath can’t help being a psychopath. It’s all a
matter of how certain areas of the brain are formed.
2. The unpalatable traits exhibited by a psychopath are only unpalatable
to a non-psychopath. It’s all a matter of perception.
3. The reason for their success in so many areas of life is
that human society generally values the holding of power and status above
qualities like service and compassion, and the psychopath just happens to be mentally
well equipped to acquire such trappings.
All of which makes me wonder whether there’s a single word
for people like me who stand at the opposite end of the spectrum (which I can’t
help either.)
I keep going out to look for my friend the mother hedgehog,
but I haven’t seen her since the night I heard her bark. There’s an obvious
connection with the above.
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