Thursday, 24 May 2012

Picture Post 8 - Two Views Across the Valley.

About a mile north of here, from the main
Ashbourne road.

The long shot from my garden. I thought it
worth sacrificing compositional integrity
for the sake of getting that glowering
sky in.


andrea kiss said...

That last shot looks a lot like the area where i live, outside of the city limits. There aren't a lot of hedges here, though.

I saw a pic on tumblr of the country side in Romania that looked a lot like this area in TN. It must really resemble what it looks like here... Alex and i were watching American Haunting, which is about the Bell Witch haunting that took place in TN. He said he thought it must have been filmed in TN because it looked just like this area... at the end i read the credits and saw that it was filmed in Romania.

Victoria said...

Those are beautiful photos, JJ, and what a glorious view you have from your garden!

JJ said...

Andrea: If I ever get to be orally assaulted by the Transylvanian dentist again, I'll ask her about the lanscape of Romania. Neraly everything seems to be filmed there these days, 'cos it's cheaper.

Victoria. I still use 35mm cameras, so these pics are scans from chain store prints. They lose a lot! But yes, the view from my garden is rather lovely, in a lowland English sort of way.