Saturday, 19 May 2012

Night Sights.

The walk was a strange one tonight. My attention was arrested by the sight of orange lights a little way above the high ground on the far side of the river. There were maybe twenty or thirty of them forming a roughly semi-circular pattern, and they climbed far higher than could be accounted for by any land based phenomenon. They were certainly not stars, since they were the wrong colour, too closely packed, and the sky was completely cloud covered. My only guess is that they were distant street lamps being reflected from the cloud base. I’ve never seen anything like them before.

On the way back I looked through the window of the pub and saw several young couples exhibiting standard young couples' body language. It’s so transparent when you know what to look for. And it struck me that life can be a bit of a pain sometimes. It gives you bags of knowledge and experience, but not until you’re past being able to use it.

I walked away into the darkness and talked to the trees, as I usually do. It seemed that something pale and misty began gathering among the branches, so I stood and watched it for a while until it disappeared again. I swear there’s something sentient out there, you know. Something that’s aware of me.

Ah well, I currently have what some would consider the very best of companions – a mug of hot tea. That will have to do for now.

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