Tuesday, 15 May 2012

How Now, Mr Raven?

The raven is the biggest of the crow species (and some say the most intelligent.) They’re associated with the rougher upland terrain of northern and western Britain; we’re not supposed to get ravens where I live, down in the lowland landscape of the English Midlands. Today there was a raven on the hedge at the side of my house.

They have different reputations in different traditions. In western Europe, they’re regarded as bad omens, harbingers of death even. Hence:

The raven himself is hoarse
That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan
Under my battlements.
~ Macbeth.

In Scandinavia, however, they’re companions of Odin. In native North American traditions, they created the world. In Celtic cultures they have a mixed reputation, being associated with battlefields and the fiercer aspect of the Morrigan, but also seen as messengers of the gods, bringing spiritual wisdom and insight into realms beyond the material.

I’ve never seen a raven in the wild until today. So what should I make of it?


andrea kiss said...

How did you feel when you saw it? What did you feel in your gut?

JJ said...

Nervous. Really nervous. And then, a short while later, I saw the strangest little bird. It was like a baby robin, but had huge legs like a kangaroo. And I'm not kidding. I'm REALLY not kidding! Today was a freaky bird day.

andrea kiss said...

Is there something that you know of in the near future that you're anxious about? Some decision you have to make? Maybe that has something to do with it. Hesitate and take your time. Don't 'jump' into anything or make any hasty decisions.

That is my professional, psychic opinion. haha.

andrea kiss said...

Carry something useful in your pouch, lol. Like garlic.

Anthropomorphica said...

A bird that knows the secrets of death, knows of the deep magic of life. I can't see it as a bad omen, the raven is much maligned from being a cleaner upper of ancient battlefields. Do like the connection with The Morrigan, of course.

A robin with kangaroo legs? Wish I'd seen that little beauty!

JJ said...

Andrea: I had a tomcat once who didn't know how to cross roads sensibly. He put his head down and charged. That's pretty much how I am about making decisions. Weighing up pros and cons doesn't come easily to me. I wait for something to go 'snap,' and then I charge.

Mel, that's how I chose to see it - a privilige.