Feels like I should be sitting in the cabin of a small boat,
somewhere off Martha’s Vineyard, drunk and making jokes about women breaking my
heart, while the Great White circles unseen. Or maybe I should be the one
singing Ladies of Spain in the gravely old voice of a gravely old sea dog.
Women have broken my heart through the ages, you know. They
have. And they continue so to do. A car passes me on the lane, and my heart
cracks with the report of a shotgun.
‘Bout time I grew up, I think, some time before I die. Yet
For now – no boats, no Great Whites, no jokes, no songs,
just drunk. It’s an easy life this time round.
Nope. Don't know that one.
Its not really a sad face, just kind of an aww, sorry face.
I see. So you don't really care. OK.
(Getting the hang of it, although I must remember that a Brit would probably use OJ - Only Joking.)
If i didn't care i wouldn't have commented at all.
:P This is a face sticking its tongue out.
I know. I'll bet it carries a sting, too.
Nope, not that one. Not this time.
'Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday and for the rest of your life.'
(I seem to be always quoting that at the moment. Must be the Deposed Stag mentality taking hold - walking the hills alone until one winter's night, the cold finally carries him off. Ha! Poor old me!)
Anyway, I thought the sting was the Scorpio's most endearing trait. A Peanut without a sting would be like a pencil without a point.
What sort of a mood am I in today?!
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