Wednesday, 16 May 2012

More Signs?

It’s been an odd day today. First there was the reciting of a poem about a raven haired girl to a raven haired dental nurse, then there was the singular and coincidental appearance of the raven on my garden hedge, and shortly after that I heard what sounded like small bells tinkling very quietly somewhere in the house. I listened and listened, and the only possibility I could come up with was that maybe something was disturbing the green man wind chimes I’ve got hanging in front of a window in my office. I gave them a tug but the sound was different, so if anybody’s got an explanation for that one... And one thing I didn’t mention in the earlier post was the weird little bird I saw hopping round the greenhouse shortly after I saw the raven. It had legs and feet like a kangaroo. Seriously!

I swear I hadn’t knowingly imbibed any hallucinatory substances, so I wonder whether somebody’s trying to tell me something.


andrea kiss said...

You're going bird brained! ;)

Victoria said...

Legs and feet like a kangaroo? JJ...I think it's the Universe telling you to get your eyes examined. OR...perhaps the tinkling bell sound was made by a naughty faerie passing by on her way to put a little 'something' in your drink!

Over on my blog you asked about the mountain lion photo. I wish I could claim credit for it, but I can't. It's from the Internet and I don't know who took it. I have had only 7 sightings of mountain lions in all the years I've lived in these mountains, but on the four occasions when I could have got a great photo, once I had run out of film (going waaay back) and the other three times I didn't have a camera with me. The other times I saw one they were so interested in me I was only interested in getting away!

Anthropomorphica said...

Perhaps the veil is thinning over at your place, who or what have you been inviting round for tea?

JJ said...

Andrea and Victoria: See? I knew people would think I've sold my soul to the man at the funny farm! So, the strange bird. It looked like a prematurely-fledged member of the thrush family - speckled chest and an unformed tail - but it was a bit too big for a robin and a bit too small for a blackbird, so maybe it was a song thrush. But the legs and feet really were hugely out of proportion to its body, and it hopped on them, so it looked like a kangaroo. And I've really never seen that before, so I thought it interesting. OK?

Melanie: Thank you for having faith in me! I suspect the veil might be thinning, too.

Oh, and Victoria, I think you're extremely brave to live within a hundred miles of something big with claws and teeth to match. Cows are more than a match for me!