Saturday, 5 May 2012

Asides and Sub-Asides.

My neighbour is baking today. It’s her granddaughter’s first birthday tomorrow and there are edible goodies to be created (I might even get a fairy cake or two myself – I usually do on these occasions.)

A person’s first birthday is quite a momentous occasion, isn’t it? Your first full rotation of the earth. Your first completion of the cycle of the seasons. Your first milestone on the road of a new life.

I don’t recall being particularly impressed on my own first birthday (assuming I had one; you can never tell with aliens) but I am now, a few years down the road.

*  *  *

Since dear Andrea has all but accused me of inhaling a dubious (though actually quite healthy in its own way) substance, I thought it an appropriate moment to mention what a splendid name I think Ermintrude is.

Ding Ding. I’m a bus. Ding Ding. Move along please.’

A life experienced without The Magic Roundabout is a life lacking an essential experience.


andrea kiss said...

Ermintrude is the best. I like Gertrude, too, but only when it is pronounced in the German way, with Ger like Gary rather than Ger like Grrr or Gur.

JJ said...

But are you familiar with the nutty cow? She wears a hat and carries a daisy in her mouth.