Wednesday, 22 August 2018

A Little Cat Post.

Since I have nothing to write a post about tonight (I started one but didn’t know where I was going with it so it’s been shelved for the time being) I thought I’d post pictures of Lilly and Jax, Mel’s new kittens. They’re siblings.

She tells me they spend all their time chasing around the house, trying to eat one another, cuddling up close, and sleeping. It’s the sleeping that worries her. She’s frightened they might be dead and has to wake them up to reassure herself. I suggested she look for signs of breathing instead, like the chest rising and falling for example, but she said that wouldn’t do. She also said that she finds it hard to believe that things are just born with ears that work. And incidentally, she didn’t accuse me of being irrational as I stated on a recent post. What she actually accused me of was being ultra-rational. That’s worse, apparently. An apology is clearly in order.

And so I hope there are enough cat lovers out there to allow that I might be forgiven for posting pictures of baby cats instead of saying silly and inconsequential things like I usually do. Come back later (or tomorrow, or next week. How the hell would I know?)

Lilly ('Boys are useless.')

 Jax ('Sisters!')

The character references are mine, taken under advisement. I need a drink.

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