Saturday, 15 February 2020

Reaching the South.

I just discovered that my blog had visits today from Alabama and Texas. That surprises me because most of my connections with America have been with New England, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and California. I didn’t know that my blog would be able to cross the Mason-Dixon Line without being either gunned down or clapped in irons by some fire-breathing, fundamentalist preacher. Maybe there’s hope yet for the future of mankind. Or maybe the visitors came from the ranks of the disadvantaged. If so, hello comrade.

Incidentally, did I ever mention that my favourite book as a child was Uncle Tom’s Cabin? I never read it and have no idea what it was about, it’s just that it was a hardback version with a red, shiny cover and I loved holding and looking at it. No academic future for me, then.

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