Sunday, 2 February 2020

A Bit of Synchronicity.

I had a long, late night session with Twin Peaks last night. I’ve said before that it’s probably my all time favourite TV series, and I must have been in just the right mood because I spent over an hour trawling through lots of short clips on YouTube.

(‘The owls are not what they seem,’ said the mysterious giant to Agent Cooper at one point. I thought about my recent encounters with the local barn owl and took solace from the fact that most of them probably are.)

What’s interesting, however, is that when I realised it was well past my bed time, I decided to take my leave of the denizens – variously dotty, deranged, deluded and/or dangerous – of Washington State and take a last look at my Blogger stats. I discovered that I’d received a large number of visits from Russia to individual posts made in 2014, and several of the posts they’d selected were on the subject of Twin Peaks.

Well, I’ve heard it said that examples of such synchronicity are carefully orchestrated by the holders of arcane knowledge to give us signs of some sort or other, only they don’t provide a translation manual to go with them. So what do I do now? Pay more attention to the barn owl? Run away from the barn owl. Throw things at the barn owl? Wait and see? OK, that’s favourite.

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