Wednesday, 5 February 2020

Notes From the Dark Place.

While I was out this morning I thought of something to say on the blog. It was only one sentence, but it was a really good sentence and I was duly proud of myself. The problem is that I can’t for the life of me remember what it was, but I just thought I’d mention it so you know I haven’t been idle.

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I might also mention that I realised this morning that my depression has now risen – or fallen, I suppose – to the level of real depression. I decided that it should be incumbent on me to come up with a description of what it’s like and how it may be distinguished from merely feeling down – because that seems to be my primary function in life – and was duly proud of that achievement also. The problem here is that it hasn’t entirely worn off yet and so I can’t be bothered to elucidate further. It did, however, amuse me slightly that I had an email from the priestess only half an hour ago in which she said: ‘I’ve met a Swedish man who is depressed, but he has lovely eyes.’

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The only other point of note is that I left a comment on a YouTube video in which I used the phrase ‘emotional chic’ in describing a French woman who was being interviewed in the video. A male of the Gallic species replied ‘What?’ so I explained as briefly as I could why I’d used an unconventional term, it having been an example of taking English outside the box. He replied ‘What?’ again, and so I complimented his own impeccable use of English. He didn’t get the joke.

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