Friday, 19 September 2014

Twilight Wondering.

This evening’s twilight was another of those special ones which I’ve written about before, but which I can never resist reporting just one more time.

Nothing moved in the damp, still air. No birdsong broke the silence; no sound of man or his machines disturbed the peace. The foreground languished dull, the colour all but faded into monochrome. The midground melted into mist and the far landscape was lost in grey. Even the drops of water on the leaves stayed motionless; nothing dripped.

At such moments I feel that I’ve landed in that space between the milliseconds, somehow moving in a timeless reality, and everything I see is but a hologram which might be swept away with a wave of my hand. The only thing that’s real is me, as long as I choose to believe it.

And then there was movement. I saw a snail climbing slowly onto a windowsill. It moved across the painted surface a few inches, and then climbed slowly off again. It seemed the windowsill lacked whatever the snail wanted. I wonder what it was.

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