Monday, 8 September 2014

Hoist by His Own Petard.

A British trade union leader said today that Britain is becoming ‘like Downton Abbey,’ claiming that we are returning to the days of privilege and class consciousness. The Tory Chancellor, George Osborne, replied not in a constructive way, but in the evasive manner to which politicians feel divinely entitled. He said:

‘We won’t be lectured by union leaders on six figure salaries.’

My take on this is that it was actually less evasive than Osborne intended, because if you read between the lines it betrays the very attitude to which the union leader was referring. What the reply actually says is:

‘It’s perfectly acceptable for bankers and corporate executives to be on seven figure salaries, but union leaders represent the working classes. They are, therefore, an inferior breed who should be paid less and know their place.’

Whether Britain is becoming like Downton Abbey, however, I wouldn’t know, since I wouldn’t dream of watching something like Downton Abbey.

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