Wednesday, 25 September 2013

The Hard Drugs Question.

Having always been a clean living lad, I never tried hard drugs. I only got as far as marijuana, and even managed to overdose on that one night. It wasn’t very nice. And don’t tell me you can’t OD on marijuana; you can; I did.

So anyway, Mrs Doyle’s line ‘Would you like some cake, Father? There’s cocaine in it,’ coupled with Dougal’s dancing cows, piqued my curiosity regarding the difference between heroin and cocaine. I just looked it up.

Right, so…

Cocaine comes from the cocoa plant, heroin from the opium poppy. Got that.

Cocaine is the buzz drug, heroin the chill-out fix. Got that, too.

Withdrawal from heroin is more unpleasant than from cocaine, and can even be dangerous. Right. But the question remains:

I’ve always been more given to observation than engagement, so would the same principle apply if I were to take one of these hard drugs? Would I be the one sitting quietly in the corner of a room full of buzzing people, going ‘Oh, I see, so that’s what happens.’ That would be typical of me; observers miss all the fun.

I still feel inclined to try one of them, and I suppose it would be sensible (you see?) to plump for cocaine. That’s if I knew where to get some, had the money to afford it, had somebody to show me what the hell you’re supposed to do, and somebody else to see me through the dark, post-buzz period. The coke down might be less virulent than the heroin one, but heaven knows I get depressed enough as it is. And there are only two people I would entrust with the task; they both live a very long way away, and one has family commitments.

This is looking complicated and expensive. Maybe I should stick to the highs I get from heroines, and leave the rest to another life.


andrea kiss said...

Hmmm... i think maybe your safest bet here, especially since you've smoked marijuana before, would be to smoke a little opium if you ever have the chance. Or, perhaps even safer, try a little opium melted onto marijuana.

I've never tried cocaine or heroine, mostly because i'm a big chicken about the heroine and because i am certain cocaine wouldn't mesh well with my temperament and personality.

But i have smoked opium and opium on marijuana... its just seemed like a super increased and relaxing pot high without the paranoia that sometimes comes along with pot.

Also, because of the ordeal i've had i have taken opium derived pain meds, intravenously that i've heard have very similar effects to heroine, one of which was way too strong, (so strong that it took me three days to properly articulate that i couldn't tolerate it), and the others i imagine are quiet nice if you aren't in need of them for pain. I can see how some people may become addicted to them.

Oh, and if you ever get to try them, "magic mushrooms" are nice ;)

I know you aren't stating in your post that you are going to go out and try these drugs, but if you ever get the chance be careful. I know you will :)

JJ said...

'Careful' is sort of the problem, though. Sometimes I'm too careful, although 'careful' maybe isn't the right word. Whenever I do anything a bit out of the ordinary, part of me stands apart and observes me and everything/everybody around me. I very nearly write a damn report about it the next day.

But do tell, oh woman of the world, where does one obtain opium? I thought that stuff went out with Sherlock Holmes.

Magic mushrooms sound about right, although I've heard conflicting reports. Some say they drive depressive people down even further, while others claim they're the best long term cure for depression. And I wouldn't know where to get them, either. And I'd still be happier having a trusted companion to hand.

andrea kiss said...

The opium... came about it very foolishly. When i was 19 or 20 my cousin and i were on our way home from a weekend road trip and had a few hours to go and we decided it would be nice to get some pot to smoke so we stopped at a truck stop to get gas, saw a couple of guys close to our age all decked out in punk t-shirts and stereotypical punk garb so i stopped them and asked if they lived near by and when they said yes i asked if they could get us some pot. They said yeah, and came back with pot and opium, so i got both. Probably could have gotten into a lot of trouble. We saved the opium for a week or two until we worked up the nerve to try it. It was a very small amount but we enjoyed it.

Mushrooms, or as we call them 'round here, Shrooms... the first time i ate them i only took a small amount and it was an awesome experience. The second and last time i ate a good bit and was around a couple of people i didn't feel very comfortable with and it was a bad experience. After that i decided to never, ever experiment with such things because i knew i'd be afraid of another bad experience and that in itself would more than likely cause me to have one.

I've always wanted to try ecstasy but i've heard too many horror stories. And i believe those days are behind me now... i suppose i've experimented and experienced enough.

andrea kiss said...

Seems like my second comment about the mushrooms contradicts my first...

They are very nice if you don't eat too many and i say that from my own experience and by what i've been told by people who've eaten them many more times than i have. And who you're with is very important, i think, and also seems to be the general consensus on it.

And i agree... your mindset going in is going to determine a lot.

What you said about observing yourself and everyone around you is true for me, too. Depending on who i was around, it could often be a bit too much for me. Never good to be high and too observant and overly analytical when the people you're observing are more than just occasional, casual and social drug users. Depressing, especially for people with a high capacity to empathize, like myself.

It's also uncomfortable feeling like you're the only being affected by the drug in that way...

JJ said...

Phew! I wonder whether your shaman stage is yet to come.

Unknown said...

Well i know this is older, but if you are ever thinking about it again, and want to do ecstasy that is safe, i suggest a legal alternative. There are a lot of them. just did a full study on them at dbi.