Wednesday, 11 September 2013

A Little Seasonal Note.

This evening’s twilight was one of those that herald the start of autumn. We’d had light rain for most of the day, and although it had stopped as the day was fading, everything dripped in the cold, still air. Heavy mist washed the ridge beyond the river into a pale grey half tone, with slightly darker patches where the trees and copses stand. I like evenings like that, although I associate them more with November than September.

The solitary bat was still flying around the house, though. Whether he was getting a good supper I couldn’t tell. I hope so because we know what happened last year: only one of the family survived the cold, four-month winter, possibly because they hadn’t been able to gain enough weight during the preceding, exceptionally wet summer.

‘Better days for bats’ is tonight’s cry, therefore. Evenings aren’t the same without them.

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