Thursday, 19 September 2013

Finding the Illusion.

The reason I have such a problem with mortality is that it causes a conflict, vis:

I have a deep, seemingly unshakeable sense that I’m permanent, but my body increasingly tells me that I’m not.

I’m sure the secret to resolving this conflict is to stop doing what we all do: thinking that what we see in the mirror is who we are. So, if only I could get to that stage…

And to perform a quick sidestep:

Mel just sent me a text bemoaning the fact that you can jump through hoop after hoop after hoop, only to have to start the whole process again because you forgot to tick one box. She wanted a name for this strange Law of Being Human in the 21st century. I suggested:

The Principle of Progressive Absurdity: that every advanced system rises to its own level of dysfunctionality. I think that’s about where we are at the moment. Google might wish to take note.

And to perform another quick sidestep:

The person who shut the door on me yesterday said that she doesn’t deal in illusion any more. Now, if only she could tell me what is illusion, and what isn’t. I’ve been wondering about that for years.

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