Sunday, 15 September 2013

In Loco Epistolum.

So here I am, sitting in my cold office and desirous of making a blog post. That’s because there’s nothing I want to read or watch on the TV, and writing is one of the few things I like doing these days.

Right, here we go then. Erm… Nope. The only thing I can think of to make a post about is why I have more time for the Inland Revenue than I do for the likes of Sainsbury’s and Marks & Spencer, and who would want to read it? I wouldn’t.

Let’s try a ditty, then.

I’d like to be an albatross
And ride the cold north wind…

Erm, erm, can’t think of a rhyme for ‘wind.’ ‘Sinned’ is too serious, ‘tinned’ too prosaic. Seems there aren’t many words that rhyme with wind, so forget that one.

How about my recent discovery that there’s a woman in Brooklyn called Jenny Huang, and what an interesting coincidence it is? Well, that would mean giving a lengthy explanation as to how I discovered the fact, and why it’s an interesting coincidence. It would be very lengthy indeed. Can’t be bothered.

All in all, it seems I might as well climb back into my teapot and go to sleep until and unless the combination of a little scotch and (tautology alert) the wee small hours provide some inspiration. If not, there’s always tomorrow.

I cheated with the title.

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