Tuesday, 21 May 2013

A Pair of Bugs.

There are two things bugging me at the moment.

1) I do wish the YouTube people would make some attempt to match their ads to the tone of the clip being selected. Example: suppose you’re just in the mood for listening to some ethereal work by one of the Late English Romantics – say, EJ Moeran’s Lonely Waters – the last thing you want to have thrown hard and loud in your direction as soon as you select the clip is some rap artist in regulation uniform, complete with back-to-front hat as required in the space between his particular set of tramlines, trying to endear you to the prospect of buying a Big Mac tomorrow. It’s unlikely to do any such thing; all it’s likely to do is irritate you very severely and give the Big Mac an even worse name than it already has.

I daresay the YouTube people can’t be bothered to go to the trouble, but if I were an advertiser, I think I would insist on it.

2) One of the big news items at the moment in several parts of the ‘developed’ world is the legalising of same-sex marriage, and I’ve noticed that the media is almost invariably in harness with the proponents in one particular respect. They consistently promote the view that the detractors are all either religious zealots, rank traditionalists, or just plain right wing bigots. Well, I’ll put myself on the line and state that I have serious reservations about the validity of same-sex marriage – I’ll even explain it if anybody wants me to – and I am most certainly none of those. In fact, I’d say that I have distinctly liberal leanings, but I’d never call myself a liberal for several reasons, not least the fact that I dislike the odour of totalitarian narrow mindedness which tends to accompany it.


andrea kiss said...

I'm interested to hear about your reservations.

Hello, by the way :)

JJ said...

Maybe I'll write them if I get out of the pit and become talkative again.

Hello back.