Friday, 21 December 2018

The Sandwich as Indicator of Sanity.

When Mel and I meet in Derby we usually get a sandwich each for lunch and I always pay for both of them. Now, it’s an odd thing that the sandwich I buy for myself is always the cheapest I can get which vegetarians can eat, whereas Mel gets whatever she wants. In consequence, her sandwich is always more expensive than mine and I don’t mind at all. So now I hear a chorus of praise clamouring for space in my ears:

‘What a generous, selfless man you are, Mr JJ. Blessings be upon you.’

Wrong. I’m sure the real reason is that my sense of self-esteem is so low that I don’t think I deserve more than the cheapest sandwich, whereas other people do. And I suppose that makes her saner than I am.

Actually, that’s wrong too. She’s just as insane as I am. And do note the paraphrasing of Luna Lovegood who happens to be Mel’s favourite character. I might be lacking self-esteem but I do know how to tie threads together.

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