Saturday, 15 December 2018

On Joining the In Crowd.

There I was trying to think of something to make a post about when a remarkable thing happened. I received a compliment on YouTube in reply to one of my comments.

It said:

Dang how old are you? Your grammar is really nice.

Well, there you go. I’m more accustomed to getting replies from some species of primeval humanoid giving its considered opinion that I’m stupid, so this one was a pleasant surprise. But now I have to consider whether to answer the nice person's question.

I think I will. Since my comment was made on a video of clips from Harry Potter movies I think I’ll say that I’m too old to go to Hogwarts as a student but not quite old enough to be its Headmaster, and hope that will suffice.

I could, of course, simply reply: ‘mind your own business.’ But we celebrities – even those of only the grammatical variety – don’t say that sort of thing to our public. We have our reputation and entitlement to the VIP lounge to consider.

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