Sunday, 4 October 2015

On Mood and Mild Discoveries.

I’ve written three posts today and deleted them all. I seem to be in one of those why the hell would anybody be interested in anything I have to say? sort of moods. I often am in autumn and winter.

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I discovered that somebody had recommended one of my old posts on Facebook. She said ‘Trust me. It’s all about DNA and very funny.’ So I read it. Couldn’t see how she’d arrived at either notion.

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The man who called me ‘nuts’ on YouTube apologised last night. He even said I ‘seemed like a gentleman.’ I complimented his courtesy. Who wouldn’t?

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I further discovered one of those blog analytics websites which estimated the value of my blog to be $62,583. Is there a person out there who would be prepared to buy it? It also said my ‘X-Content-Type-Options’ is ‘nosniff.’ Is there a person out there who knows what on earth that means?

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I came across a Spanish TV talent show on YouTube which featured a girl who looked so like a childhood version of the Lady Bella that I was utterly captivated. She was fabulous. (Her singing wasn’t too wonderful, but she was.) And I should just add that I only found and watched a Spanish TV talent show as a result of searching for variations on the song The Lion Sleeps Tonight. I still have some regard for my reputation, whatever the season.

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