Maybe the news report was incomplete, since it seems an odd
sort of rationale. I’m generally against censorship for all the obvious reasons,
but this doesn’t seem to fit the obvious reasons. I have no objection to the
videos being allowed, but surely you don’t need to see decapitation being
performed in order to condemn it; we all know what it means. If such a thing
horrifies you – as it should – why would you want to see it? I certainly don’t.
I have a sneaking suspicion that the reason people watch
that sort of thing has nothing to do with condemnation, but is at best driven
by morbid curiosity, and at worst something rather darker. As adults, that’s
their right; but don’t let’s fudge the issue with spurious justification.
This may seem melodramatic, but I think Facebook can be a dangerous place, not because of what they allow but because of the very superficial nature of Facebook, it's a click a like and move on, react momentarily and click next. It's desensitization on a global scale and it does worry me.
I use it for my doll work because it's a quick way to reach out into the world and connect with other artists, but I still have issues with it.
I agree JJ I think that mostly its as you say, morbid curiosity or worse...
I have no personal experience of Facebook, but I suppose it's a symptom of the modern world - too much emphasis on the superficial coupled with too many sources of information. Maybe everything gets spread too thinly and things of deeper significance get lost.
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