Thursday, 17 October 2013

Me and Mr October.

The fatigue problem has made something of a comeback. I did an hour or two’s clearance work in the garden this afternoon, then went for a walk, then had dinner. The resultant drain on my depleted energy resources was a bit too much. I felt bloody rough for a couple of hours.

I read Madeline’s latest instalment on her archaeological project, and wondered ‘Could I spend a day doing this?’ No. I’d soon get weary, my heart would thump, my chest would feel tight, my legs would ache, and I’d get very grumpy.

Maybe it’s because it’s October. This thing started two Octobers ago. I think I’ll start calling it Mr October. I’m getting fed up with you, Mr October.

The fact that the Hunter’s Moon shone brilliantly on the Shire after nightfall helped. A bit.

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