Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Discovering Theta.

I just read a comment on an old post, in which a truly lovely spirit called Sara-of-somewhere-in-Turkey referred to one’s increased creativity when the mind is close to sleep and going into theta rhythm. Well, a few nights ago, when I was uncomfortably close to sleep but still sitting at the computer, I wrote the following to somebody. It tripped quickly off the keyboard in a matter of seconds, with not a hint of pretension or poetic intent. In fact, I was so tired I was hardly conscious of even writing it.

I wish I were normal…

And then you’d be a distant person in a distant place
With a distant smile on a distant face
And all your charm and all your grace
Would be but just a distant trace
Of starlight
Shining meekly

I don’t usually write that sort of stuff, so is that what theta waves are about, I wonder.

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