Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Once More Into the Breach.

I have a theory. It’s what JJs do when they’re not talking.

And that’s the point, you see; I can’t understand why I’m quite unable to talk to my blog this week. It’s not as though I’m depressed at the moment – well, no more than usual – but I do feel repressed, and that’s a different thing entirely.

My theory is that it’s all to do with the damn Tory Party Conference. I think Cameron and his Tory Orcs have sent the Nazgul out, only they’re invisible. They’re going about the land spreading a dark blanket of repression on all right-thinking people (as opposed to all Right-thinking people, to whom the Tory Nazgul are traditional and therefore greatly to be accommodated.)

Now, if only I could find out where that bloody ring is. Mount Doom here I come, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or not.

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