Sunday, 6 October 2013

Taking Root.

I had a dream last night in which I heard somebody say ‘stasis.’ I knew it was the one thing I needed to remember when I woke up, and so I did. The problem, however, lies in knowing why I needed to remember it.

At its simplest, ‘stasis’ just means ‘stillness,’ but the meaningful nuance can vary according to context. In one situation it can mean ‘at rest.’ In another it can mean ‘held’ or ‘arrested.’ It can have the sense of ‘not vacillating, in equilibrium,’ but it can also mean ‘stagnating.’

Well, I’m sure it was I who said the word, and I know my own mind well enough to know which nuances apply to me. The question is whether it is right to abandon the few things you’ve come to love, and abdicate responsibility to them in so doing, merely to avoid being in stasis.

My mother used to say that she didn’t know where my gypsy blood came from. No, neither do I.

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