Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Falling on Stony Ground.

When I got to the checkout in the supermarket today, I was behind a woman who discovered that she’d picked the wrong tea off the shelf. She’d brought tea bags instead of the loose leaf stuff.

(I blame the manufacturers for this. They will insist on putting both bags and loose tea in exactly the same package, apart from the fact that one says ‘tea’ in quite small letters, where the other says ‘tea bags’ in equally small letters. Why can’t they just sell tea bags in bags, then we wouldn’t make the mistake?)

Anyway, the Roving Checkout Person, or whatever the position’s called, had to be despatched to make the exchange while we customers waited. And waited. And waited…

When she finally returned, I looked at her sternly and asked ‘Did you have trouble crossing the Himalayas?’ And you know, it’s surprising how many people don’t get it when you say something like that.

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