Sunday, 30 May 2010


On a lighter note, I have to mention my flaggy thing again. I’ve now had a visitor from Russia. Russia! Imagine that! There’s something dark, mysterious and exotic about Russia. Samovars, balalaikas - and dancing troupes that blow your mind. And, I have now had visits from seventeen US states. Only thirty three to go for a full set!

Now, you might think that all this excitement about the international diversity of my blog visitors is a bit, well, childlike. Er... maybe. But it’s also about connections. It’s about hands around the world. And who wants to be a grown up anyway?


Victoria said...

JJ, I don't blame you for being excited! I think it's wonderful, in the truest sense of the word, that people from all over the world have been made into a community by blogging. (And I've always thought growing up is vastly overrated).

JJ said...

Well said, madam. Thank you.