Wednesday 12 May 2010

Three Way Connection.

I went out to put food on the bird table this morning. Within seconds there was a flutter of wings and a small bird took up a position on the dog rose a couple of feet away. A second one followed, and then a third. There was a brown robin with a bright orange chest, a brown and tan striped dunnock with a deep grey chest, and a black and yellow great tit, all forming a neat little triangle and watching me intently. Isn’t it odd how an incident so seemingly insignificant can speak volumes of something you struggle to define? So why bother attempting definition. I expect it has something to do with connectedness and the beauty of small things. And I like triangles. That'll do.


Mother Moon said...

such simple entertainment. you have to love that

Shayna said...


JJ said...

MM: Simple things for simple minds, I expect.

Shay: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I've got it pasted on all my mirrors, to save scaring myself.

KMcCafferty said...

This is making me excited; for mothers day I bought my mom a new hummingbird feeder. We get two or three that come around about this time of year and stay through summer. I can't wait to see them again-though I do miss the great tit and blue tit that would knock at my window every morning in Ireland.

I'm sure the birds appreciate the simple things.

JJ said...

Hummingbirds and summer. Sounds nice. I had a spotted flycatcher (summer visitors from Africa) build a nest in the corner of my living room window one year (outside, of course.) She raised a brood, too. We were quite the visitor attraction for people walking down the lane that year.