Friday 28 May 2010

So, instead...

I keep meaning to post a rant about our new government running around like children with a new toy, exulting in their new-found power and telling us that this is going to change, that has got to stop, these people are going to be forced to do this... etc, etc. They only formed their coalition two weeks ago! For heaven’s sake, let us breathe will you? Frankly, their overbearing and oppressive attitude is getting on my nerves - and that’s the problem. Every time I lay the details out in my head, I start to get depressed about it. If there’s one thing I really, really hate, it’s control mania.

So instead, I’m posting something to the other blog. Dear Andrea (or Molly – such a nice name, Molly) from Tennessee has rekindled the ‘bit of a thing’ I have about the Brontes. During the winter I re-read Wuthering Heights – twice! I’d already done some groundwork on the whole Bronte family, and Emily in particular, and saw the novel in a completely different light. So obvious was this ‘revelation,’ that I decided the whole world has been misunderstanding it for 161 years, and set about writing an essay on the relationship between Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw. Since it’s unlikely ever to get published anywhere else, I thought I might as well put it up here for anybody interested in either the book or Emily Bronte.

I do realise that some people have already read it. Rest assured that I still intend to post the next story, Mr Grimshaw, some time early next week.

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