Saturday, 22 May 2010

Blow Trumpet.

Today’s big news: the May is out! It's nine days later than it was last year. To explain, let me paste an extract from one of my stories. Saves typing it again.
The hedgerows and many of the trees in this part of the world are hawthorn, and their full grown blossom is one of nature’s most prolific visual delights. There is something almost surreal about the sight of trees laden so heavily with dense white flowers that it appears a heavy fall of snow has landed on them. Set against the bright green of the late spring growth, and placed within a context of high summer temperatures, the effect is almost hypnotic. 
And now I quote Tennyson: Blow trumpet, for the world is white with May.  
And then I sat in my garden through the gathering dusk tonight, concentrating on the song of birds. Nature’s music.


KMcCafferty said...

Beautiful imagery here my good sir.
I miss the Hawthorns. There aren't any in this part of the world, and they certainly are beautiful.

It sounds like a perfect evening with the birds.

JJ said...

Nice to see you, McC. The landscape is dotted with white candyfloss today. I went to Donegal at this time of year, and I recall the landscape there was predominantly yellow with gorse flowers.

KMcCafferty said...

Oh yes, they're all over the place up there! Mayo as well, the whole mountain by our old house seems covered in them. Beautiful things, if only they weren't so thorned!

JJ said...

Sounds like some women I've known!