Tuesday, 18 November 2014

New York: the Current View.

New York is such a powerful and evocative name, isn’t it?

New York! New York!


Who would have thought that when I visited that unfair city all those years ago, it should prove to contain such prospects for future delectation? For now it is my personal experience that the city and its attendant state contain the best of Americans. (It is also my personal experience that good Americans are hard to match, as are bad ones in equal measure.) This is, of course, a subjective view.

*  *  *

By an odd coincidence, I watched Sherlock Holmes in Washington last night.  The intrepid duo are en route to Washington, DC, and are currently flying over New York City. There’s an impressive shot of the Manhattan skyscrapers, but I couldn’t help noticing that they’re flying in the wrong direction.


Anonymous said...

That's a favorable opinion. I like it! (Partially because it's an absolute fact. Hah!).

JJ said...

Let me guess (based on style.) You don't live there at the moment.

Anonymous said...

No, sadly not, Jeff.

S. said...

I'm going to leave comments like this from now on, so you know who I am. The above was me, too.

JJ said...

But let's look on the bright side. I gather the weather up there hasn't been too friendly today.

It's odd how New York keeps jumping up in front of me wherever I look these days.

JJ said...

I just got the second comment. I always used to know it was you by the Feedjit, but now it's started recording your iPhone as 'United States' for some reason. I recognised you this time from the writing style.

Still, please don't think me either impertinent or obsequious (I'm occasionally the former, but never the latter,) but Sara happens to be a favourite name so it's nice to see it.