Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Drop the JJ Memoirs.

Della suggests that I should write my memoirs. I don’t think so somehow, since such an undertaking would require a substantial boost to both my ego and my attention span. Besides, what would I write about?

Headings. It would need headings.

On Schooldays
On Sport
On Music
On Reading
On Bullshit

…etc, etc…

OK, here’s a little extract from the Memoirs that Never Were.

On Schooldays (or Sport, whichever needs more padding.)

It was a cold Saturday morning in January and I was playing in a rugby match against a team from another school. I was sixteen – only a year to go before attaining the perennial age of thirty two.

I picked up a loose ball and took it into a maul which soon collapsed to form a ruck. (Such a state of play was known as a loose scrum back then, but these days it’s known as a ruck – which, by an odd coincidence, happens to rhyme with ‘luck’ and many other words in common usage, a fact which might or might not be deemed appropriate in the circumstances.)

Body after body piled on top of me until I spied a knee descending inch by unremitting inch towards that part of my anatomy which I expected to put to meaningful use in the not-too-distant future. What might a fit young man be expected to do in such circumstances? Scream to get the game stopped? One doesn’t like to scream during a rugby match, but one likes even less the possibility of having one’s future prospects prematurely compromised. I screamed, manfully I hope.

The referee blew the whistle immediately and my future prospects were saved – for posterity, as they say, although posteriors were not then, nor ever have been, my forte.

All true, but hardly saleable.

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