Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Fire, Water, and Bits.

According to the astrologers I have my sun in Sagittarius, my moon in Pisces, and my ascendant is Scorpio. That’s one fire and two waters. Now, as I once wrote in a post (it’s about the only thing I remember having written, and I’d quite like it to be engraved on my tombstone just to confuse the parishioners)

Water falls to rest. Fire rises to oblivion.

It’s hardly any wonder I get confused, is it? And somebody once told me it’s the perfect combination to produce a sot. See, I always said it wasn’t my fault.

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Why have airline companies suddenly started quoting prices as 499 GBP? What was wrong with £499? They do the same with USDs.

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There’s a track on YouTube entitled The most beautiful rendition of Ave Maria I’ve ever heard. It would have to be.

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The woman who sings Alegria – the video to which I’ve already posted twice so I’m not going to post it again – has a most astonishing voice which makes my skin tingle every time I hear it. She’s worth ten of the paste-encrusted bimbos who pass for music stars these days, and yet I don’t even know her name.

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