Thursday, 20 November 2014

Reflecting the Monkey.

I was watching a video tonight and realised how much more engaging is the smile than the grin. The smile is a little more reserved and therefore safer. The grin carries a hint of potential menace (unless the eyebrows are raised, for some reason.)

I expect it’s all to do with ape ancestry. I seem to recall that a central theme of The Name of the Rose was about laughter being an emulation of the monkey, and therefore an insult to the Deity. By contrast, the smile is essentially human with its implication of humane.

It’s complicated. I swear I’ve known dogs which could smile (although they rely more on their ears.)

Why do I write this stuff? Why do I even think about it? I hope my friends in New York (state and city) don’t get any more snow. Can’t stand it myself.

(Chuckles are OK, by the way. I'm good at those when the mood permits.)

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