He said he’d tried to get me a bottle of sake (not to be
confused with HH Munro who spelt it differently) while he was in Japan, but was
told that Customs wouldn’t let it through. He said this was further proof that
the Japanese are a pretty weird bunch.
‘We spent one night at a turtle sanctuary,’ he continued…
‘A what sanctuary?’
'Anyway, can you believe it had communal showers?'
‘What, you mean men and women together?’
‘Well, no… just men, but when I went to the toilet I thought
“smells a bit fruity in here” (fruity?)
and there were all these Swedish girls in there with towels wrapped around
Personally, I find that more than a little disturbing, but I’m
probably even weirder than a Japanese Customs official.
So, having failed with the sake, he got me a bottle of
Johnnie Walker Explorers Club Collection
scotch instead. Maybe I’ll report on it in due course.
In the meantime, tonight’s delight was a bottle of Hobgoblin Ale by Wychwood Breweries. It’s
a strong (5.6 ABV) dark ale that tastes of liquorice (and beer) and comes
highly recommended (by me.)
* * *
According to Wiki, a hobgoblin is a mischievous but friendly
creature who does your ironing for you while you’re asleep. They like to be
given food, apparently, but if you give them clothing they take the hump and
desert you forever.
It all sounds pretty weird to me. I wonder what they think of
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