Friday, 14 November 2014

Opposites and Exemplars.

I was in a checkout queue today, and the man in front of me had about twelve bottles of water, several of which kept falling over every time the belt moved. So what do you do in that circumstance? You lay them down pointing front to back so they neither topple nor roll. Better still, you anticipate the problem and do so in the first place. This man kept picking them up, and they kept falling over again. I swear people like him get through life more easily than I do.

And somebody (or some persons) from China keeps accessing an old post of mine called ‘Opposites and Corollaries’ which is an idle and rather pointless muse on the difference between the two. (It even contains a deliberately irrational statement; I must have been up for a joke that day.) I wonder if I’m becoming a learning resource.

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