Sunday, 16 November 2014


… and the princess and the prince discuss
What’s real and what is not
~ Bob Dylan. Gates of Eden.

Some days I can’t get my head around what matters and what doesn’t, what’s worth saying and what isn’t. Making posts to a blog is difficult in such circumstances.

‘The world is a magical smoke screen,’ says the Log Lady (in the clip I posted a couple of nights ago, but which you probably didn’t watch. Such a fine voice that woman has.) It’s been a recurring thought for two days now, demanding to be explained. Well, the interpretation seems obvious enough on the surface, but the smoke keeps getting in my eyes.

I might manage some logic again one of these days. I would like to say that coffee and cherry pie are on the house and the birds will sing a pretty song while you wait (cf Twin Peaks), but that would be a bit silly.

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