Wednesday, 26 June 2013

On the Matter of Bones and Things Decaying.

I’m having real trouble making blog posts at the moment, simply because there’s too much negative stuff hanging around me. Tonight’s little missive will, in consequence, be restricted to the two things I found most interesting today:

1) More and more skeletons keep falling out of closets in the fields of politics, the police, and media personalities. Mr Snowden’s revelations are only one part of a much bigger picture. This pleases me because I stopped placing any trust in the denizens of those fields long before the skeletons started appearing.

2) I first noticed that hemlock smells of disinfectant when I was in my teens. This evening - a few years on - I discovered that it only does so when the flowers are fresh and white. Once they start to fade and turn grey, the smell turns earthy and a little sour. Isn’t that interesting? Well, some people are obsessed with cemeteries, while others find fascination in the smell of poisonous wild flowers growing at the margins of cultivated land. It takes all sorts.

I think I’ll go and watch a Laurel and Hardy short on YouTube now. They make the world look a nicer place. Oh, and by the way, should you feel inclined to dance barefoot on wet grass, listen to this while you’re so engaged. It's what magic mushrooms sound like when they're happy. Allegedly.


Anthropomorphica said...

I did notice the smell when I tried to make cordial last year, not very pleasant unlike the song. I didn't dance on wet grass but couldn't resist going into the dark garden and listening through the window. I like to think those mushrooms are growing from my feet.

JJ said...

Mel, you're a Very Strange Person.

Anthropomorphica said...

I hope so ;)