Thursday, 13 June 2013

Gold, Silver, Bronze.

Since it’s late at night and I seem to be resuming the blogging habit, I thought I’d persevere with an established favourite and cast my vote for the best three characters in Lord of the Rings.

First place, by a short head, goes to Aragorn’s chestnut (as far as I remember) horse who finds him and brings him home after he’s been pulled over a cliff by the big hairy thing and everybody-thinks-he’s-dead. The horse knew different. Clever and faithful horse, eh?

Second place (by the same short head) goes to Arwen’s painfully beautiful white horse who wins the race with the Nazgul to save little Frodo. Surely the original ‘bonny grey mare.’ She and her elf make a compelling combination.

Third place has to go to Eomer. If I’d had eyes and teeth like his, I’m sure life would have been a lot simpler. Sadly, all I had to compare was a good throwing arm; only in my case it was mostly cricket balls I threw, not javelins to be hurled at wild-eyed men riding big elephants. Shame.

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