Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Still Bouncing the Baseball.

I’m still in this pit, you know. I think it’s to be my cell for the duration. I’ve written several posts over the past couple of days, and deleted them because they were either turgid, trivial, or too damn silly. If anybody has a magic wand, send it over, will you.

Anyway, the only thing of note to come out of the weekend was that I found a new band to get keen on. Only they’re not new, apparently. Judging by the comments on YouTube, they’ve been around for ages. It beats me why I haven’t come across them before, since their music is pretty excellent.

I’m posting the shortest piece of theirs I could find, but it’s none the worse for being short. And by an odd coincidence, I knew somebody once who looked uncannily like the guy playing the tom-toms – same nose and minimalist hair style. He came from Dundee. Fancy that.

I never knew anybody who looked like the girl playing the recorder, though. (Just as well, I say.) None of the girls who played recorder at my school looked remotely like her, neither did they play the recorder half as proficiently. And I've decided I want a hurdy-gurdy.

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