Tuesday 26 February 2013

Seven Meaningful Notes.

1) My boundaries are being crossed far too often at the moment. I get growly, withdrawn and defensive when my boundaries are crossed, and I rarely stop being growly, withdrawn and defensive these days. Even Smaointe is failing in its duty of care to my spirit, but maybe that’s because it’s eighteen years since I had a spliff.

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2) Tomorrow I’m scheduled to give Mel a tutorial in how to use Skype. Mel is the only person in the whole wide world who is less comfortable with the mysteries of computer programs than I am. ‘You press the button marked Call, and then wait for the person to pick up.’ Genius.

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3) Tomorrow is also the day for doing the weekly shop, circumstances permitting. Maybe something Hilarious or Extremely Interesting will happen and I’ll have something to write about on my ailing blog.

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4) The person-who-comes-to-my-blog-by-searching-my-name has made another appearance. I suppose a mystery is the next best thing to something Hilarious or Extremely Interesting.

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5) A man was parking his car in his driveway when I walked past tonight. I said ‘Evening’ but he only stared at me silently and with apparent suspicion. Bears wearing woolly hats must be an unusual sight in the Shire.

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6) I top-coated another section of skirting board today. I thought of watching it dry, but didn’t feel up to the effort. Too stressed.

*  *  *

7) Ugh.


Anonymous said...

"Smaointe" couldn't rouse your spirits? These are some deep doldrums you're bogged down in, my friend.

This won't help either then, but you'll appreciate its sound, I think: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgcoBKWTW14

JJ said...

Back in the mid 90's, I used to listen to Smaointe every night when I got home from doing something I was forced to do and absolutely hated. It worked then.

The current doldrums are, indeed, deep, but they lightened a little tonight courtesy of musing on Australian werepigs. That was after I got over the discomfort of speculating that there might have been a wild boar lurking a matter of a few yards away.

The YouTube vid is on the post-midnight list. I hope it goes well with porter; it's Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

Did it go well with porter?

JJ said...


Anonymous said...

Ah, well.