Sunday 17 February 2013

Connecting with Nature.

Western culture discourages an understanding of natural connectedness. It has to, because if people felt a connection with nature, they wouldn’t tolerate our cavalier treatment of it in order to accord with material mania and the pecuniary interests of wealthy people. Instead, Western culture encourages the academic view. It teaches us about the colours and shapes, the symbiotic relationships, the operation of the food chain and the startling skills of the predator. Interesting as those things are, they’re not about connection. Complex as they are, they’re not about the depth that lies hidden beneath the surface.

I had my first real taste of natural connectedness when I moved to this house. Connectedness is a subtle sense that moves through you; it flows in your being and tingles at a sub-material level. You can smell it and taste it, but not through your nose or mouth. It shows you that there are certain places where the energies coalesce most strongly, and that’s what makes them sacred. The high spot of my new found understanding came on Beltane Eve two years ago, when my head swam with euphoria for about an hour. The sacred place was on good form that night.

As I said in an earlier post, however, the sacred place is now being polluted, and the only people who can do anything about it are paid up members of Western culture. There would be little point in trying to explain to them what the problem is, because Western culture discourages an understanding of natural connectedness.

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