Monday, 2 October 2017

Unconnected Notes.

I’m currently watching an old supernatural thriller called White Noise and so far it’s reminded me of two things:

As I’ve been discovering over the past few years, it isn’t the growing number of lines on your face which indicates your descent towards dotage, it’s the set of your eyes. They somehow contrive to look more tired, and I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because your soul is winding down.

More appropriately, it also reminded me of that curious incident about six years ago when my mobile phone mysteriously called my landline while I was in another room. (I think I made a post about it on this blog.) Both phones were on the desk in my office at the time, and the call was confirmed by both BT’s record of my landline and the mobile’s call register. I told the story to three people who know about such things and they all said it was impossible, but it happened. It did. If anybody out there can explain it, I’d be happy to hear from them.

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