Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Donald: Flippant and Factual.

When I was searching Google Images for pictures of dear old Quas, I came across this:

So, be honest, who does Charles Laughton look like in this picture? I mean no disrespect here, but… well… he does, doesn’t he? And so I’m tempted to be flippant and ask two questions of Americans:

1. Does the White House have a bell tower (with gargoyles)?

2. Has Melania ever been known to stifle a shriek when Donald swaggers onto the stage?

So far, so good; this is just an innocent bit of fun. But on a more serious note, I gather that Donald is forever boasting about what a high IQ he has. Well, from what we’ve seen so far, that seems highly unlikely. But if he has, it can mean only one thing: as a person and a President he’s seriously under-achieving.

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